Bassicly, BEDD is application for chatting, so you can do chatting like in PC. To get BEDD you can visit Many feature which provide by BEDD. That feature is:
This feature using for input your profile before begin chat with another BEDDers. To input your profile choose [BEDDbios]-[Bios Info], after enter it, you can edit user Name; Emoticon; Picture; Sex; Age; Sexuality; Location; Personal Description; Looking For; Mobile; Email; IM Service; Other.
You can distribute this application to your friends with BEDDshare feature.
Every friends in BEDDmates can you make as BEDDbuddies. [Option]->[Add to BEDDbudies]. With BEDDmates you can sent message to your friends through BEDtalk, BEDDchat, SMS, MMS, Call, and E-mail.
In BEDDmates, everyone can input short description about him self, and who want meet with using My Ideal feature with input My Ideal [ME] and [You].
Sound & Alert can use for choose ringtones, volume setting, and vibrate notification if any your friends stay in bluetooth range. You can setting sound & alert with enter [Option]. BEDDpic storage use to save friends picture. You can chose to save in memory card or phone memory.
Skin in BEDDings use to change background layouts in BEDDmates, BEDDtalk, and BEDDbuddies. If you setting user interface in Modern, you can change Wallpaper in BEEDmates, BEDDtalk, and BEDDbuddies. But if your setting user interface is Classic, not.
This feature can alert if your friends in arround which can call with BEDDtalk, SMS, MMS, phone, or email.
Many other feature which provide by BEDD, like BEDDfish and BEDDtalk. So, download that software and bulid your community.
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